Step Out In Faith's representative in Liberia is Rev Jonathan Nyahn.
Jonathan is married to Meme and they have five children. He is a pastor and National Coordinator for Step Out In Faith Ministries UK, Liberia. This involved caring for orphans and training men and women to do God's work. You can read more of Jonathan's personal story here.
Step Out In Faith is fully registered in Liberia as a Not For Profit organisation . We have the right to work as an NGO and also to do business, operate a bible school, and many other things. |

Bible School
Jonathan writes:
The Bible School was the first project that I started few years ago. I have graduated more than eighty students and most of them are now pastors ofchurches that they themselves started. I have been running the Bible Schools in six locations.
But due to my health condition I have slowed down in travelling everyday from Monday to Saturday every week. I tried many times to get some pastors to travel to some of the areas but they complained about monthly salary which I do not have. Many of them feel that Step Out In Faith Suzanne's Ministries is giving me special amount or salary every month for the work I am doing....which is not the case.
Many people do not know that we serve The Lord Jesus not depending on money from someone. I strongly believe that God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply. I look unto the hills where does my help comes from? My help comes from The Lord the maker of heaven and earth. Here are photos of some of the classes. |
Orphans and School
After the 15 years of civil wars, our country has become the second poorest country in the world. We have many orphans and abandoned children in our community. So when I saw that most of these children were not going to school, I asked The Lord and He led me to open aschool for some of these children in the church building. The school runs from kindergarten to grade five.
I have fifty orphans and abandoned children , plus seventy children whose parents are unable to send them to school. So the total number of children is 120 children. The Regional head of United Nations Mission In Liberia (UNMIL ) on humanitarian affairs visited our community while on a security tour and saw the children in school. He interviewed some of the children and got to know that some were orphans. He was surprised to know about our activities with the children. So he decided to help the children on three occasions as you will see in the pictures below. He told me that UNMIL was no longer caring for orphans as they have reduced their activities in Liberia. He also provided two teachers to help us in teaching the children . But the teachers spent six months and left for home. The numbers of troops are reducing gradually every six months.
Our five teachers are all volunteers and members of the church. Some time when I get little money I cook rice for the children to eat during recess two or three times a week.
I plan to build school for these needy children so we raised some money among ourselves. We have started making concrete bricks as you will see the in photos. We are trusting The Lord Jesus to provide us support for the school building project.
We teach Bible to the children so that they can accept Jesus at an early age.
We do not receive financial or material support from anyone nor the government . Our government does not support private or church owned schools. And the government does not allow Bible teaching in public schools. |

UNMIL delivering rice. Click any photo see more images. |

I run a cement business project to help me use some of the little profit for the care of some needs in the school. The business has not grown for me to fully take care of the children and the school.
The Step Out In Faith Business Centre started last year May with only cement in the shop but by the grace of God I now sell cement, zinc, nails, ceiling tiles, shovels and other items. The purpose of the business is to care for the children when it has fully grown. I want to sell more building materials but I do not have the money yet. I am still waiting for The Lord to provide some funding in His own time.
I was blessed when an American NGO visited the shop and was impressed with the level of work and decided to place the business on the internet.
The cement project started as the result of the motorcycle project . I started with one motorcycle and the number increased to three motorcycles. I am also praying that out of the cement project will come something great.
God has made the Radio Programme to be a blessing to many people in Gbarnga and other areas. Below is a letter from one of the listeners who lives outside of Gbarnga .
The programme is reaching more than 400,000 people every week out of the 3.5 millions people in Liberia . In the near future I will contact other local radio stations if they can help us broadcast our programme.
I listened to your radio programme last evening called,"Step Out In Faith" with a live broadcast of Minister Suzanne from all the way London. It was so inspiring. I believe this is one of the many ways to reach a nation like Liberia that had been so wounded from fourteen years of political warfare followed by a devastating biological warfare; ebola. I prayerfully listen to the Minister and I think this radio programme will bring hope to all Liberians and enable us Step Out In Faith in Jesus Christ. Let Minister Suzanne continue to pray with us for our Government and the people of Liberia so that this deadly ebola war will come to an end |

Church meeting |
These photos are from the Sunday morning worship service of the Full Gospel Assembly in Gbarnga , Liberia, West Africa . As the Ebola Epidemic kills more people believers meet to worship The Lord Jesus Christ praying for God to heal their land of Ebola Virus. As alway the case in human history, many people turn to God in the time of crises or difficulties.
In these days more people are praying and trusting Jesus with their lives than ever before. The spirit of prayer has fallen on the churches as it was during the 15 years wars that devastated Liberia from December 24,1987 to August 2003 when Charles Taylor left for exile to Nigeria .
The Full Gospel Assembly is where the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached and taught. It is a church with you on mind. Our focus is wining the lost for Jesus.
You are welcome to visit us in our services as we worship God together.
May God richly bless you . |

Jonathan's wife Meme

Our activities are as follow during the week.
Sunday 9:30am to 10:30am is Sunday School and worship service from 10:30 to 12:30pm.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 5:30pm to 6:30pm is Prayer Service.
Wednesday 9:00am to 12:00noon is Women Prayer Meeting.
Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:30pm is Bible Study.
Tuesday , Thursday , and Saturday 4:00pm to 5:30pm is Choir Practice . |
 Rev Jonathan Nyahn |
The Step Out In Faith Bible School has trained many men and women to help their various denominations in planting churches in towns and villages in Liberia. These churches have grown to be strong churches. The members raised funds and built the church without support from us. They have become self supporting churches.
The Step Out In Faith Bible School was established to train Christian leaders, evangelists, and pastors to do the work of the ministry in winning the souls of men at all cost. The school has helped many denominations and ministries to equip their members. Thank God for His grace.
This church was planted by one of the graduates. It is under construction in Sam Latoe Hill community in Gbarnga . The church planter is Evangelist Edwin Kollie. He stands at the front of the church in the photo.
